March 23, 2014

DIY IPSC practice targets

Hi there backyard airsoft shooters.

As a follow up to my post about making some cheapo airsoft bulletcatchers (here), I decided to share with you the next DIY project I envisioned.

It's quite simple really, I took the above specifications, drew the target in sketchup and imported it in the GNU image manipulation program AKA GIMP to do some final editing.

This is what came out:

The idea was to create an easily (and cheaply) reproducible paper target to stick on the bullet catchers for some target practice.

I found that opening this in the default Windows image viewer and printing the image with 2 copies on a page of size A4 (should be fine on Letter as well) made for a target that fits nicely on the bullet catcher's front. Just cut the page in 2 with a paper cutting tool. (like, I don't know... scissors?)

Specifically, I minimized the amount of ink needed to print it. You can even print it in draft mode and it'll be fine. I used discarded paper that already had print on the back side, so as not to waste any empty pages.

Happy shooting!

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