January 20, 2014


Hello Internet,

Let me introduce you to my blog about Action Air.

Starting from a year ago, I was looking for an interesting hobby that could get me up from behind my computer screen. There were a couple of requirements:

  • Moderate activity required
  • Regular practice schedule
  • Preferably (partially) possible at home
  • Moderate startup cost, low running cost
  • Most importantly, capture and hold my interest

At the time, me and my buddies went paintballing. By which I mean, about once a year, we go to a commercial paintball field, rent equipment and play a couple of hours of paintball. So I thought, why not do this every week? It's active, you can do it on a weekly basis and I find it interesting. However, since I don't have a huge garden, it's not quite possible at home and even though the startup costs aren't too bad, the running costs aren't anywhere near my definition of low: Sports paintball play requires you to shoot a lot, and I mean A LOT of paint per game, so let's keep things civilized and suppose we fire 2000 rounds each week. This is one box and a box costs about 50 euro, so that means a weekly running cost of 50 euro... I can't justify that to myself, so paintball was a no go.

After a couple of weeks of research (and a crossover from World of Tanks YouTuber TheMightyJingles), I found out about Airsoft. This looked very promising, as I have a general interest in weapons and airsoft weapons look very realistic, especially compared to paintball guns. Airsoft like Jingles does has a lot in common with paintball (woodsball) but it has the added benefit of being more realistic, and considering the ammo costs about 10 euro for 4000 rounds, the running costs are much reduced (by about 90%).
However, considering the entry fee of airsoft events ranges from 20 to 60 and upwards for one day/weekends, this is also something I can't do every week, also because it takes up too much of my time in one chunk.

Several hours of browsing the internet later, I stumbled upon an ad for the first Belgian Championship IAPS (International Airsoft Practical Shooting). Wondering what the idea was behind this sport, I did some further research and found out about IPSC, which combines speed, accuracy and power shooting (real) pistols at cardboard and steel targets. I don't want to own a real firearm, so that wasn't an option, but after some more research, I found out there is exactly one sports club in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium that practices the Airsoft variant of IPSC: AIPSC or Action Air.

I found my new hobby, and this blog will chronicle my adventures into the sport and related topics.


- http://www.balupark.com/wp-content/gallery/paintball/paintball_007.jpg (2014-01-20)
- http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/JVZYhqSpe0c/maxresdefault.jpg (2014-01-20)
- http://www.islandrecon.co.uk/fps/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Kristian-Horlock-at-The-Grange1.png (2014-01-20)

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